Welcome to First Presbyterian Church of Davenport, Washington
An Evangelical Presbyterian Church
Who We Are
Located in the beautiful wheat country of Eastern Washington, First Presbyterian Church of Davenport was first established in 1884. We joined the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in 2012. Our name describes us well. The EPC is both evangelical and Presbyterian. We are evangelical in our zeal for the gospel, as well as evangelism, missions, and living obediently as followers of Jesus. At the same time, we are rooted deeply in the Protestant Reformation and especially the theological and pastoral work of John Calvin. We embrace the Westminster Confession of Faith as our doctrinal standard, and the rule of spiritually mature elders linked together regionally as the best way to guide local congregations.
Meet our Pastor
Rev. Dr. Joshua Hurd
Worship Service
Come Worship with Us!
Sundays at 10 am. We have Children's Church during our Sunday morning worship service.
"In Essentials...Unity. In Non-essentials...Liberty. In All Things...Charity."
Contact Us
904 Morgan Street #318
Davenport, Washington 99122